The Contender (2000)
22 February 2004
Plot -- After the U.S. vice-president dies, the president (Jeff Bridges) appoints a female senator (Joan Allen) to serve as his successor. However, a slimy congressman (Gary Oldman) plots her downfall by ensnaring her in a sex scandal. She refuses to respond to the allegations, but how long can she continue to brush it off?

Critique -- I found this political drama disappointing. After Roger Ebert awarded the film a four-star rating, I expected a more engaging movie than this. The plodding storyline rarely grabbed my attention, though it has its moments. Joan Allen's strong performance helps to make this at least watchable. She plays a believable, intelligent woman determined to do the right thing no matter what people think of her. Likewise, Gary Oldman is appropriately creepy as the dirty politician willing to completely disregard ethics to advance his personal agenda. I just wish they had better material to work with. The supporting performances are adequate, nothing more.

Still, there are some compelling scenes when Allen faces Oldman's accusations during hearings, as she braves the odds to stand up for her principles. This is one of the few times that the film is truly focused and energetic, hinting at what a much better movie `The Contender' should have been. It doesn't really take any chances, and I can't help but wonder what someone like Oliver Stone would have done with the same ideas. Heck, even Mike Nichols (`Primary Colors`) would have at least made a more engaging film.

Rating: (**1/2) out of four

Released by Dreamworks Pictures
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