Down to You (2000)
How do movies like this get made?
12 March 2001
First of all, let me just say that after viewing this film, I seriously thought about writing my own screenplay, because I know I could write something ten times better. The fact that this movie was even made, and even more that some big name actors were in it shocked me. I have to say, before seeing this movie, I was excited that there was a "teen" movie that wasn't about high school coming out. But unfortunately, this movie has no plot. I've read some of the other user comments that said you would only be able to understand this movie if you were in college, and that the people who didn't like it must have been too young or too old. I could not disagree more. I am in college, and have had a relationship in college and this movie still didn't make sense. This is not about being able to relate, it's just the fact that this movie has no plot and is terribly confusing. For example, the wine scene. Maybe if the audience was let in on what was in each glass, we would be able to understand the importance, but unfortunately we aren't. And the car accident scene? What even happened there? The whole porno sub-plot? I could go on and on... Forget the excuses, this movie was just terrible. Don't waste your time.
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