28 August 2001
This movie is extremely funny. Don't listen to the people saying it's not. The movie isn't as hard to understand as people are saying, you just have to pay attention and turn the sound way up. But it's worth it. The thing that some people don't appreciate is that you're just thrown into the dialogue of Roy and Gil like being dropped on a desert island and you have to figure out where you are. When you listen to them, sure they're Rednecks and extremely stupid, but they have a certain quality. I mean, they are out there in existence getting by just like the rest of us, so who's to say that they're hopeless or anything. They have their own logic, it just takes a while to understand that because they say such ridiculous things that serve as proof that in a strictly booksmart sense, they're probably on about the second or third grade level. But don't feel sorry for them. As for the rest of the cast, they're equally brilliant. Giles and Stephen are great at getting on each others nerves, and you can see when Dano finally gets home that the best dynamic for them is the three man. Chris Culdoon is similarly a stroke of genius. Anyone who appreciates movies driven by interesting and humorous dialogue instead of big budget effects and inane and predictable dialogue and stories won't be disappointed.
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