Galaxy Quest (1999)
Star Trek spoof that may rate as the feel-good movie of the decade
19 July 2002
This movie could have failed so many ways. But a wonderful cast is buoyed by an excellent script fuels that rarity in any solar system--a movie that never quits. Instead of getting hung up on just spoofing the Enterprise gang, "Galaxy" goes on to make statements about the space genre in general, trekkies, nerds, typecast TV actors and a society's devotion to television. One of the most delightful and downright funny gimmicks is the collection of star-struck aliens, so goofy yet downright lovable. Outtakes included on the DVD version reveal that the film could have been even more entertaining had not producers opted for the "stripped down" version. Even if you were never a Star Trek fan, your mission should be to explore "Galaxy."
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