Point Last Seen (1998 TV Movie)
Intriguing and heartfelt
24 September 2003
I caught Point Last Seen on USA one morning and, having little else to do, decided to watch the movie. Admittedly a sucker for drama (as well as the fine performances from Linda Hamilton), I was immediately intrigued.

The story centers around Rachel Harrison (Hamilton), a tracker searching for a missing 9 year old girl lost in the desert. We soon find out there is more to the story...much more. Rachel's own children are lost - kidnapped by her abusive ex-husband, Kevin (Kilner), whose only goal in life seems to be tormenting his ex-wife and their children.

We follow Rachel as she tracks down the missing girl, but also as she struggles with her past and her present. It isn't long before we realize that after years of abuse, Rachel finally had the courage to leave with her children. Unfortunately, Kevin eventually wins out and gains custody of their kids. It is a long and painfully emotional battle for Rachel to finally get her kids...only to have him steal them from her.

Honestly, this little movie is quite amazing. Although not an action/thriller type movie, it has its moments of keeping you on the edge of your seat wondering if everything...and everyone...will be ok. Linda Hamilton, as always, does an exceptional job playing Rachel. Her voice overs give us much insight into the character she plays and the emotional beatings she, and others, put her through. Kilner is menacing as the ex-husband and plays the role all too brilliantly.

The only real drawback were the flashback scenes. Although they gave much information into the history of Rachel, the person who played the young Rachel looked nothing like her (while Kevin looks the very same). This detracted from the movie a bit, but not enough to make it unworthy of a good review.

If you can find this one, and enjoy drama (particularly family dramas), then check it out. It's worth it for a Sunday afternoon.
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