Review of Whipped

Whipped (2000)
A poor man's "Chasing Amy"
3 September 2000
Imagine taking Kevin Smith's brilliant tribute to bizarre relationships, stripping it of all interesting characters, funny situations, or good dialogue, then maybe you'll come close to the stupid antics of "Whipped." The two movies do not share a plot, fortunately, but share a theme. That theme is the screwed up things people do when they're in love (or lust). All four of the main characters in the movie are boring, unlikeable idiots. The girl, played by Amanda Peet, might be interesting. We don't know. The film makers never bother to give her a personality besides the ones she displays when she's with whoever she's with in that scene. The jokes in the movie just don't work. Not because they're vulgar, but because they never seem spontaneous. Humor is subjective, though. Maybe you'll find it funny...but I sure didn't. (Frame of reference: recent movies I found funny were "There's Something About Mary," "Austin Powers," "South Park," and "Election." "Whipped" is no where NEAR as funny as those movies.) Maybe I would have liked this movie more if I knew how it was going to end (call it "Fight Club" Syndrome), since I didn't think it would make sense for this girl to like all three of these jerks until I saw the last five minutes. However, that would not have changed the fact that I had to sit through 75 minutes of their childish antics to get there. Ultimately, "Whipped" is just an excuse for be crude for the sake of being crude. There is a point to this movie, but that point wasn't worth 80 minutes of very unfunny toilet humor.
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