Just one problem
8 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I don't really want to go into too much depth on this film. By now, most people know whether they like this series or not. This film is easily up to the standards of the first two and is quite satisfying.

There are some items not covered that will almost have to be part of the extended version, so I'm going to reserve comment on those things until November 2004 when it comes out.

On the off chance that the film makers look at these things, though, I'm going to mention one thing that is, for me, the worst moment of the entire film series. A minor spoiler is coming up, but I'll enclose the paragraph with asterisks so you can skip it if you want.


Faramir's Lieutenant is ruthlessly impaled with a spear as he lies wounded and helpless on the ground at the sack of Osgiliath. The orc captain that has done this glares around defiantly and says, "The time of man is over. The time of the orc has begun."

First of all, an orc would not say such a thing. I could put on my fan geek hat and go into all the reasons why, but that isn't the point. This line is simply so bad it amazes me that anyone that wrote it could have been involved in the production of what has otherwise been an astoundingly great series of movies. This is the sort of thing a pretentious 8th grader might compose when s/he thinks s/he is being profound.

If the film makers are reading this, I would like to request that they remove this vile moment of criminal awfulness from the extended version. If something has to be there, just let the orc captain roar defiantly or something. That's pretty cheesy too, but I could live with that.


On the whole, this is an excellent end to the series. As for the missing events, I have heard that the extended version will have nearly an hour of extra material. Hopefully it will cover what those of us who care about it are certainly missing.
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