Review of Trick

Trick (1999)
Sparkling romantic comedy is a sure-fire hit
6 February 1999
Gay romantic comedies seem to fall into two different categories: either they deal with AIDS specifically, or they don't. TRICK falls into the latter category. Films in the former category tend to be too heavy-handed to be good (save JEFFREY and LOVE! VALOUR! COMPASSION!). Here, screenwriter Jason Schafer focuses not on AIDS whatsoever. In fact, it is never mentioned once. Instead, we watch as two men (wonderfully played by Christian Campbell and John Paul Pitoc) try to have a one-night stand. The only problem: they have no place to go. As these two men desperately try to find a room, fate interferes, allowing them to get to know each other before consumating the relationship. Tori Spelling is terrific in a supporting role, but it is the two leads who must manage this film, and they do with astonishing realism. It's a modern-day, gay fairy tale. It's the type of film that makes you laugh, cry, and feel good in the end. Hollywood could learn something from this small independent feature.
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