An unusual sleuth
14 July 2004
Mr JG Reeder is the diametric opposite of Sam Spade, Philip Marlow and Mike Hammer. He is a shabbily dressed, diffident civil servant who prefers a cup of tea and a slice of seed cake to a shot of something stronger.

Despite his outward appearance - of course - Reeder is a master detective with a razor sharp brain. In fact his mind gives him great cause for sorrow. He has, he claims, a criminal mind which allows him insight into motive and method denied to other men.

These stories were well-presented (sadly in black and white) and Hugh Burden had the part of a life-time as Reeder, well supported by Willoughby Goddard as his expansive (in more ways than one) chief, Jason Toovey.

Worth a video release for nostalgia buffs.
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