Great up until the last 30 minutes
2 March 2000
The next Best Thing - After yet another failed relationship, Abbie seeks solace in the arms of her best friend Robert. Robert is what every woman wants in a man - he listens, he's caring, funny, understanding, attentive, a great dancer and stunning to look at. Unfortunately for Abbie, he's also gay. But one night of celebrating will change their lives in ways they never dreamt possible.

I wasn't sure what to make of this movie from the previews: was it supposed to be a comedy a drama? It turned out to be a bit of both. An interesting look at relationships from a different perspective, the first 2/3 of the movie are quick paced and hilarious. Rupert Everett, has made a career playing witty, charming characters and hits the mark once again - his timing is impeccable. Madonna on the other hand is cast against type - for once, she is not a glamorous diva, but a regular woman with real desires and concerns. Their real-life friendship translates into believability on-screen and draws you into the story. Then the movie takes a serious turn.

The dramatic element of the film works about as well as a speed bump on the I-5 - it kills the flow. The final third of the movie is too Kramer vs. Kramer - nasty, depressing and unnecessary (I swear that Kleenex had a hand in the rewrite). Although Madonna makes a good villain, Everret's frustrated outbursts are clearly forced and you don't believe their "tense" exchanges.

If you are looking for a great date movie, this is it. It also works as a comedy, just remember to leave before the nastiness starts.
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