Some hypocrisy required
24 April 2004
Hack directors/producers like Jim Wynorski, Dave DeCoteau, and Fred Olen Ray have long been guilty of substituting bare breasts for skilled or even competent filmmaking. And the women who own these breasts, either naturally or through silicone enhancement, are no less guilty. Are these women exploited? Yes, probably, but so are the male viewers who waste their money and their Friday nights watching this crap rather than developing relationships with real women. And while Wynorski, Olen Ray et. al. may be laughing all the way to the bank, they're no more likely to win an Academy Award than actresses like Maria Ford. They're equally trapped in a soul-less industry that exploits their dubious talents. But while this documentary preaches about the exploitation of women it nevertheless contains rampant female nudity and appeals to the sort of male viewer who will watch it with the sound down and/or one hand on the fast forward button. It is truly a sad state of affairs that low-budget filmmaking today has become almost completely synonymous with softcore porn, but this hypocritical doc. does little to remedy that situation. I was particularly offended with the way the documentary (or at least some of the interviewees)seems to equate horror/exploitation movies with snuff and sexual sadism. The truth is the"erotic thriller" is the domain of people who don't have the talent to make horror movies yet are a tad too respectable for hardcore "adult" industry. And the less said of the co-director's tastelessly self-indulgent revelations of child sexual abuse the better. Why can't all these self-loathing industry types just find another line of work?
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