Absolutely fabulous!!! (Slasher, slasher, slasher, kill tha' bitch)
14 May 2001
I also saw this doc by accident, but it's the most amazing one I saw all year!

I couldn't imagine that there is a market for movies like this, it is so obvious that there is no acting whatsoever involved, no plot... bad camera work...

The interesting and highly entertaining part of this doc is to hear about everybody in the business say that this is only on the way up to the A-movies. At the same time all the actresses are extremely unhappy, feel abused and discriminated, feel that they are treated in the most sexist way possible(yes, they DO realise that, you know). In the doc, the directors also openly admit that they choose the actresses on their tit-size and nothing else ("and of course, we assume that you are prepared to do the nudity, don't you love?"). Therefore half of hollywood is filled with actresses who had boob-jobs done, only because they saw that as their only option to ever make it in hollywood, and now regret it. What a wonderfull world!

It is no secret that there are quite some men out there trying to get horny on big boobs, but that the industries apply the theory of low level sexism to the letter, was a suprise for me.

Check out this one quote, from I think a producer:

"On one hand, you have snuff-movies, which are extremely violent. On the other hand you've got X-rated movies, which are completely sexual. The best way to make that acceptable and combine that for the broad public is an "Erotic thriller," cause that's what every hollywood B-movie is called.

This documentary is definitely worth checking out.
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