True Crime (1999)
Despite a so-so sub-plot, "True Crime" is terrific.
17 July 2000
After watching Clint Eastwood's "True Crime" for the first time, I didn't what to think of it, so I get it another chance. Eastwood plays Steve Everett, a journalist that works for the Oakland Tribune and is still haunted by his past and his dirty habits (alcohol & women). Everett is asked by the newspaper's editor Alan Mann (James Woods - The Virgin Suicides) and a calm excutive Bob Findley (Denis Leary - The Thomas Crown Affair) to interview Frank Meachum (Isiah Washington - Bulworth), a Death Row inmate who is to be excuted by lethal injection at a prison in San Quentin at midnight. Everett takes the assignment and notices that Meachum is innocent. The sub-plot is so-so and that's about Steve's marriage with his wife, Barbara (Diane Venora - Heat). Eastwood has assembled a very solid cast and the peformances are great, most notably, Eastwood, Washington, Woods, and Bernard Hill as the prison's confident warden. There are a few lines that Woods says to Eastwood and Leary that made me chuckle. This film's ending is good as "In The Line of Fire" is. Jack N. Green's cinematography is good as Lennie Niehaus's musical score. Despite the so-so subplot, "True Crime" is terrific .
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