Judas Kiss (1998)
Style versus substance
23 October 2001
It would take me a considerable amount of time if I was to try and remember every film I've seen where a ragtag trio set up their "big score" but something goes "terribly wrong". 'Judas Kiss' is one of those movies and wants you to be entertained by snappy characters and a predictable double cross.

A crew of low-lives, psychos and scum bags of varying degrees kidnap the CEO of a multi-billion dollar computer software company and hold him for ransom. The problem? Well on their way out of the hotel from grabbing him, they accidentally kill the current Senator's wife. Of course, things deteriorate from there.

The problem lies in it's convoluted story. By the end, a lot of it seems meaningless. Perhaps if they'd held some restrain on subplots and half baked characters, the whole thing would have made more sense. Lizard (Gil Bellows) has this whole total inner peace philosophical karma thing going. Ruben (Til Schweiger) is a complete head job and Junior (Simon Baker Denny) is a potential loser with the too cool trait down pat. Carla Gugino gets to showcase how much of a beautiful woman she is, but the mixed up, ditsy femme isn't the greatest of roles. As if the name Coco didn't betray that thought in the process.

The real show here is Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman who are thrown together to catch the kidnappers and form an uneasy alliance as they unravel what's really going on. Their scenes are almost always satisfying notching another great turn for Rickman in particular of late. While 'Judas Kiss' is not a total waste, I strive to think it could have been better had it lost some of its emulated style and had more cohesive story instead.
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