Review of The Matrix

The Matrix (1999)
Originality, quality, excellence.
10 October 2002
What is The Matrix?

It is the future, and apocalypse has narrowly been avoided following war between man and machine. Humans are now enslaved; they are merely individual power cells, each kept alive by ‘living' within a computer programme – The Matrix. Thomas A. Anderson (Keanu Reeves), exists as a program writer by day and as Neo, an infamous computer hacker, at night. Following his curiosity and the instructions of Trinity (Carrie Anne Moss), Neo is lead to Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne), the leader of a small band of freedom fighters. Danger lurks in the form of Sentinels and Agents, both programmed by the Matrix to seek out and destroy free human life. Under the guidance of Morpheus, Neo begins to explore a life of dual existence, discovering the truth about himself and the surrounding world.

The Matrix succeeds in being both intellectually and visually stimulating. Revolutionary fight scenes and state of the art special effects are matched by a high-tempo script, and a comic book style, which keeps the audience on tenterhooks. Although firmly based in science fiction, The Matrix is not limited to this genre, as it explores martial arts, philosophy, religion, humanity and love. Fishburne is excellent as the profound Morpheus, likewise Weaving as the eerie Agent Smith, and even Reeves convinces as the wide-eyed Neo. Direction is slick, with impressive camera work, a good supporting cast and a genuinely unique feel. The Matrix is an influential and groundbreaking film, which deserves to be regarded as a masterpiece of modern cinema.
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