Austin Stories (1997– )
One of THE Best Sitcoms of th 90's Needs to be Revived
29 September 2001
This is an addition to an old review of mine (original below, starting with "This Show....")

I just bought the entire series on DVD from a guy on Ebay, so I've now seen all the episodes fresh (I had some on tape, but made the mistake of lending one of the tapes to a hot chick, who decided I didn't need it back--long story and I'm no longer bitter, so let's just drop it. Damn her fine ass...). Anyway, I felt that I must reiterate my previous statements and add that my recent revisiting of the show just amazed me. It was obviously halfway between a slick network sitcom and something by very, very talented amateurs. But even given its very low budget (Hey, MTV was even more cheapass a decade ago) this is one of the top five sitcoms of the Ninties. I mean, right out of the gate with the first episode, each character, all the locations, the situations, the relationships--everything--was perfectly realized. The show didn't start slow and then finally catch it's groove like many do--Austin Stories was gold from episode one and never lost a step over its short 12 ep run. I still find it amazing that the major players in this endeavor haven't hit it big by now. I think most of them are making a living--Laura House is listed as a staff writer for "Blue Collar TV" for example--but I thought Chip, Howie, Chloe, Quentin, Mark, and at least some of the rest would have broken into something big by now. All so talented. And the writing was so great on the show. Reminds me of my younger days (though I was never as cool or dorky as any of the characters, I knew others who were). I still say this show needs a revival, dammit! If freakin' "Strangers With Candy" can be on Comedy Central every five minutes, why not "Austin Stories"? To sum up--if I won the lottery and suddenly had 20 or 30 million, one of the things I'd do is buy the rights to this show (before MTV knew how much money I had) and put it out on disc. Then I'd do my best to hire the cast and writers (esp Howie, Chip, and Laura, of course) and produce a sequel series--the Austin Stories kids all grown up. I'd let them work out how their characters would have developed over the years. I have a real affection for the characters and I'd love to see what they'd been up to.

Original review:

This show needs to be revived by Comedy Central or some other outlet. We need to see the reruns and then we need a sequel series following the exploits of Laura, Chip, Howard, and Quentin, et al. I can not wait for the inevitable VHS/DVD release that will come when one of these brilliant young people finally hits it huge. If anyone out there has VHS copies of these old shows, I'd be willing to barter/trade/share the episodes I have.

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