Special effects put you there...
19 May 2002
Sitting through this movie put my in the frame of mind of sitting through "Phantom Menace". I was totally enthralled with the horizons, landscapes and digitally created worlds. I love what Lucas creates through ILM. He has once again created seamless worlds that you want to visit. Ummm, you want to visit them to see how beautiful they are, not for the riveting conversations you see on the screen or the characters that are as flat as pancake.

One of serious complaints "Phantom Menace" had was the wooden performances. You would think Lucas would have improved on this and I suppose he has - by throwing a love story at us. I'll grant you that Anakin and Amadala are good looking kids, but so far the Solo/Leia have the love story hands down - and without the windy exposition and whining.

As a credit to Lucas and his marketing/film-making I still am looking forward to episode III. The train wreck you know is coming (Skywalker becoming Dart Vader) should be worth seeing. The few moments when you see Skywalkers reaction to the forces that will turn him towards the Dark Side are completely riveting and you can't wait to see what happens.
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