A made for TV movie script that made it to the big screen
4 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't have much to say on this film except that I didn't feel the least bit of sorrow for Pfeiffer or Williams when they lost their son. I really didn't feel anything for any character on any level in this movie.

Let's see Pfeiffer's character spends 9 long years in wallow and self pity for losing her son. She then miraculously finds her son living only 2 blocks away from her, Pfeiffer's character should have played the lotto in the movie with this kind of blind luck. She then instantaneously recognizes him when he comes to ask to mow her lawn (yeah sure). A plethora of police cars then go to retrieve her son. You could swear by all of the police vehicles they are going to go capture a serial killer, but they are just going to get her son back. The police knock on the door only to find the adoptive father has no clue that the boy is not his son and he just allows his adopted son to leave with the police without so much as a threat of legal action!!!! The son then discovers that he has no emotional feelings for his real family two weeks later and Pfeiffer then just allows him to move back in with his adopted father?! What? She abused drugs, neglected her children and she finally finds her son and now she just accepts that he wants to live with his adoptive father? The cedar chest scene was also some of the lamest script writing I've ever witnessed. "Wait, I remember that smell". Yeah kid, it's a cedar chest and the cedar is used to keep moths away. What, did Pfeiffer lock you in the cedar chest when you were 2 years old or something? Let's see the kid didn't remember the stuffed rabbit, but he remembers playing hide and seek in the cedar chest?!

I love Whoopie Goldberg in other movies, but like all of the other characters I did not understand her role either. For example, at the beginning of the movie when Pfeiffer goes to touch her in a gesture of kindness and Whoopie shoots back in her chair. Whoopie then states out of the blue that she is gay and this is the reason for her pulling away from Pfeiffer. Huh???? What relevance does her being gay have anything to do with anything in this movie???? Let's see Whoopie is the head detective and all she spends her time on is finding an abducted child? What, there's no drug dealers or murderers in Chicago?

Save your money at the rental store on this one folks. I've seen some bad made for TV movies that are better than this trash.
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