28 December 1998
I don't know, folks, I just couldn't get too worked up over this picture.

Everybody's talking about the violence, and the darkness of George Miller's vision--does anybody remember "A Clockwork Orange"? or "Se7en"? Those movies are dark--this one was just . . . okay.

For kids? Yeah, I suppose it'd be all right. Nobody gets seriously hurt in this movie, except the Mickey Rooney character. And there are some cut-diamond moments, like Mrs. Hogget walking over bridge and street with the clown costume, or when she's arrested at the airport. There are real touches of imagination throughout.

But on a critical level, I have just one word: meandering. The movie wasn't just footloose and fancy-free, it was random and arbitrary.

The bottom line is this: I was tickled pink by the first film, but also, as a movie-lover, I appreciated the rhythm of that picture, and the feeling of directorial discipline. The best Disney features have these rare qualities, as well as Stanley Kubrick, Bob Fosse, and Alex Proyas pictures.

"Babe: Pig in the City" was fun, with a few laughs, but it didn't do it for me.
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