Strangely familiar
11 February 2001
Alternative title, "The 105 minute Friends episode with Kevin Bacon in it". Jennifer Anniston plays the same part (superficially charming bimbo bitch) as she always does, which is a shame as I really suspect there's a versatile actress in there struggling to get out. I'm sure she'll quit starving herself into ever tighter dresses, and pick a decent character role soon. Hopefully she'll make the switch before her cleaving re-arranging affectations becomes sad and tired rather than cute and winning.

Kevin Bacon either read a different script than the one they actually used, or he owed big money to the wrong people, because he's badly underused in this film. The rest of the competent cast say their lines and try not to trip over the furniture, but they're also not given much material to work with.

It's not funny, and Anniston's character is too fundamentally horrid for it to be romantic. So what is it? 105 minutes of fairly harmless backdrop, I suppose, but not anything you'd actually sit down to watch given the choice of anything better.
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