Metroland (1997)
I wasn't impressed
20 January 2002
Since I've been traveling on "Christian Bale streak" for a few movies, I was eager to see Metroland. The synopsis on the back of the movie cover sounded promising enough, but this film isn't for everyone...specifically me.

I felt there was just so much missing in the movie. I came away with it saying "OK...Christian Bale is a fantastic actor...but did I just spend 1 hour and 42 minutes watching that piece of [insert expletive]?" There were a few things I found a little off in the movie: 1) unnecessary amount of sexual scenes. I mean, hello, we know that Chris and Annik shared this passionate affair...we get it! Enough with it!

2) the message. By the end of the flick I don't really believe that Chris is truly happy in his life. The story structure didn't have a clear outline, i.e. it didn't work like a normal movie did, which is person has problem, person tries to fix problem, person goes through trials and tribulations, person vs. problem, person fixes or doesn't fix problem. The end. There wasn't any level of excitement in which Bale's character attacked his problem, unless you count the mediocre fight between his character and Toni- and even that didn't really have much of a purpose albeit to put some suspense into the remaining 5 minutes. 3) Marion. Is she nice? Cynical? Trying to ruin her husband's life? A prude? A sex object? Human? Who knows...

The movie really wasn't how I expected it to be. I even had to fast-forward through some of the sexual bits. Christian Bale IS a great actor, and he displayed the range of emotions in his character as best he could, but this movie really didn't do it for me.
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