Review of Gattaca

Gattaca (1997)
Profound is an understatement
12 April 2004
Whenever someone asks me the inevitable question of what is my favorite movie of all time more times than not GATTACA is always the first film to come to mind. The aristocratic Jude Law practically made this movie for me as without him the captivating cinematography, excellent acting and transcendent story would of all have not been as engaging without his performance.

This movie speaks to my soul because I myself was born with a terminal condition that would keep me from being all that I would want to be in a future like that. But what some other people seem to miss is that Niccol wasn't being literal in his depiction of a discriminating future based on genes. He chose to use DNA because all human beings would be susceptible to the bleak future he painted for the "God Children". Niccol was probably more speaking about the discrimination that already exist in our society and how it parallels to the actual events of the movie allowing more people to open their minds. Skin Color, Creed and Religion are all tools that we use to discriminate against other human beings in modern times. This is where the movie becomes more philosophical because Niccol dares to suggest that we will forget about all of those particular ways of popular discrimination in the future when a persons DNA becomes all the more important than what God you worship or your skin color.

I believe a lot of people see different things when they watch GATTACA and this is what makes this movie so deep and engrossing in levels that cannot be imagined. This is why I love it because what you get from the movie maybe focused on something totally different from what I got because there is so much going on there.

10/10 "If its one movie you see in a lifetime it should be this one."
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