Eight Days a Week (I) (1997)
Just like 8 days a week, this movie is longer than it should be
16 August 2002
Teen comedy about a boy who lives on a girl's front lawn during the summer. Why? To get in her pants, silly. What you expected something more complicated than that?

Ugh, much like doing nothing during summer, this movie just drags on. I've seen this movie in pieces. The first time, I couldn't stand it anymore, I didn't care if they get together, like a good little stereotypical teen movie should, or not. I finally caught the end of it. I know why I stopped watching it the first time.

Just be ready for mind-numbing pointless dialog and countless clichéd characters, like the big mean boyfriend, the horny older yet sexy widow, the man who killed his wife and chopped her to pieces or (did he?), the over religious parents, the old mentor, and others.

They say that you should watch 100 Girls (Michael Davis' other movie) as a companion piece. I say watch the Double Dragon movie (another movie of his). At least you get some kung fu with your bad dialog and story.
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