Mr. Nice Guy (1997)
More super stunts!
21 March 2001
This was a movie that was created solely to feature more of Jackie Chan's incredible stunts and martial arts.Very nice Melbourne scenery and as usual,a great effort from Chan.The martial arts was definitely toned down and the target audience of this movie was the U.S. which like more of the comedy fighting/stunts from Chan as of now as they are slowly adjusting to admiring an Asian and one who is not a U.S. citizen at that.Chan understands how to compromise and that to be big in the west,he must not take himself too seriously so as not to intimidate the very racially sensitive U.S. market.He plans to win the U.S. over by displaying his charming/clowning side of himself first,then later on,feature more seriousness in his characters and in his fighting sequences.This movie was a compromise between the Hong Kong style screenplay/directing techniques and the watered down U.S. version of Chan that seemed to connect with the U.S. audience very well.This was definitely an experimental movie to find out if a low budget movie,with Hong Kong direction/screenplay,western style scenery(closer,cheaper Australia),low budget western type actors(Australians),very simple plot and story,combined with spectacular Chan stunts and the watered down version of Chan's Kung-Fu will sell very well.If it does,they would probably make more movies with this formula.The results later on they would find out is that they could not get away with too little as they had hoped.It would be bad for Chan's credibility in the long run,relegating him into a cheap B movie action star.Chan has money and he is right now chasing his dream of being an Asian iconic legend in the ranks of Wayne,Stallone.Eastwood,Scwarzenegger and Lee.He knows credibility comes with movies with more substance than this movie.Thus the better production movies that followed this one later on.Still,this movie is worth the watch due to the truly spectacular feats Chan does time and again showing no signs of middle age at all......
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