Probably the STUPIDEST, most overblown film of the 1990s
24 February 2004
And I can say that with complete candor. No question about it.

By the same a-hole director who brought us such hackneyed garbage as GODZILLA and THE PATRIOT comes this travesty of moviemaking that ranks as the worst of the 1990s. In fact, this makes BATTLEFIELD EARTH look like an unmitigated Academy Award winner, so there's really not that much further down the toilet you can go besides this one.

I had the misfortune of seeing this due to the urgings of a (then) girlfriend who was so enamored with all the hype making the rounds that we just; "had to go see it..."

And I'm sorry I did.

The plot has more holes in it than a pile of swiss cheese and the CGI looked animated and ridiculous. And Bill Pullman as the President leading the air force into battle against the (technologically superior) aliens, looked so stupid that only a dumb ass could be impressed by it. This is the kind of film that would appeal to CGI morons who think video games are 'high art'.

I'm not even gonna go on and on about it. That would be a waste of time and I've already wasted enough of it, as is.

Check out Tim Burton's MARS ATTACKS, instead. It's creatively 1,000 light years ahead of this waste of celluloid.

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