Fantastic movie!
7 October 2001
I rented this yesterday, as I desperately perused the local movie store, not knowing what to rent and not having a clue as to which movies were "worth" watching. Well, after getting sick of the slapstick humor front-covers of the comedy section, I went to the drama section. I saw Hope Floats, starring Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick, Jr., and thought "Yeah, Sandra Bullock is great. Maybe I'll get this". I did a 180, then saw In Love and War, with an even-prettier Sandra Bullock and way-hot Chris O'Donnell. I had heard of Chris O'Donnell's fame, and was interested.

I saw it and surprisingly, I loved it! No, not just loved it...LOVED it. I didn't even expect to love it that much. Chris O'Donnell, with his boyish good looks, flashy charm, and cocky humor, is perfect for this role. In the beginning, he looks like a "kid", but as the film progresses, you can see that he has become who he is, and has matured into a wonderful, passionate man. Sandra Bullock sparkles in this role. She plays the reluctant nurse/passionate lover roles very well. She has a stunning, natural beauty that reflects her characters, and displays emotion beautifully.

The movie itself is wonderful. In my opinion, though, the beginning battle scene was just pathetic. It lacked intensity, emotion, and just about everything you'd expect from a war scene. But the rest of the movie really makes up for the caricature-of-a-battle-sequence. The movie is, as you come to find out, about love and fate. The setting, in Italy and Venice, is gorgeous. The lines eschew the cheesy, corny sentiments of teen movies and old age dramas, and is refreshing, touching, and emotional without adding cliches. The movie starts out slow, but seductively sucks you in. You root for Ernest and Agnes throughout the movie.

This movie is so worth watching. I recommend it to everyone. :)
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