Compelling drama
16 July 2000
What an intelligent, highly watchable piece of cinema Rob Reiner's film is. Focusing on the dormant-but-still-there racial tensions of the Mississippi delta in the early 1990s. It revolves around the retrial of Byron De La Beckwith, accused of assassinating civil rights leader Medgar Evers. The cast is positively first-rate. Alec Baldwin is good as Bobby De Laughter, the Assistant District Attorney that agrees to reopen the case. James Woods is superbly chilling as Beckwith, although he is in the background all too much and didn't have enough to say. Whoopi Goldberg, in a rare serious turn, outshone the whole cast as Evers' widow Myrlie, she oozes passion and her grief and pain is totally believable. This film is a cinematic treat that has a simple moral of anti-racism and "crime doesn't pay".
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