Deep Secrets (1996 TV Movie)
Very disappointing
23 November 1998
I expected much of this movie, given the title, the genre, someone from "Prime Suspect", and Amanda Donahoe. The title lived up to its name,the "secrets" being that of undercover police officers, but it failed to thrill me, it all being very predictable, with little tension, sexual or otherwise, as the summary would leave one to believe. This film, for me, was as silly as yer usual mediocre B-flick with the,mostly unpleasant characters,cops and villains,and spear-carriers, alike having highly questionable motives, and's never clear why they enter into the various relationships, liaisons, and betrayals that they do. I remember Salmon as the only wooden character from the "Prime Suspect" series, and this direction hasn't brought out any innate talent, either. That same director, to my mind tried too hard to make this a tough movie, and made a hash, as well as trash of it.As for one of my favourites, Donahoe,she has played parts more worthy of her talent, and will, I'm sure, again. Summed up, folks, don't bother with this one, you've seen it all done before, only much, much better.
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