Deadly Heroes (1993)
Not enough money for good actors, but at least they had a bottle of ketchup by the side
28 October 2001
You know those mid-eighties, cheap Chuck Norris rip - off films with a dull hero, a bad villain, a crapped on piece of paper for a script and an idiot who think it is good behind the camera? Well this is the mid-nineties version. All the actors, except those who play the really tiny parts and who die only to leave a track of ketchup on the wall, look and act like they've been pulled out of a crappy film to star in this even bigger load of crap. I mean there are A flicks, B flicks and even C flicks, but I truly believe the alphabet does not cover enough letters to give this film one. Even a Z would be too good a letter (plus I'd embarrass the Z). It sure as hell deserves a 0,2 out of 10, but since that cannot be done here those people are very, very, very lucky to get as much as:

1 out of 10
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