Harrison Bergeron (1995 TV Movie)
Everything you know is wrong.
20 August 2003
Quirky, off the wall, and brain-warping. Exactly what you'd expect of a short story by Vonnegut. From the opening credits, which scroll across the screen in all directions with "Lollipop" playing in the background, to the opening scene, in which the time is set as the mid 21st century, but the look is 1950's, this HBO made for TV movie promises to be strange, and it delivers. And it Works. The second American Revolution has occurred. The new government is based on the principal that Not all people are created equal, and it is the government's job to interfere to make them so. To this end, everyone wears headbands that fire random shocks into people's brains to keep them from being too smart. Dancers have lead weights tied to one leg. Football quarterbacks have flashing lights mounted in their helmets to keep them from seeing too well... The goal in life is not to excel, but to be perfectly average. But what happens when one boy's brain is too good for the band? No matter how high they crank the voltage, his brain finds a way to work around it. No matter how hard he tries, Harrison Bergeron keeps getting straight A's in school. A Dark Fairytale packed with wit and satire, you may have to hunt for this one, but it is worth the effort. A good allegory on some of our current social problems. And tame enough younger children if you don't mind them hearing profanity. Not exactly the happy ending, but there is promise of a better future.

For those of you who are Forever Knight fans, Nigel (Laquois) Bennet has a great role as the doctor...
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