Everything Godzilla Wanted to be but couldn't.
3 December 1998
Being a fan of the old Japaneese Horror flicks, like most people of my generation, I was a bit excited when the arts theater announced a one day showing, in its original language with subtitles of 'Gamera - Defender of the Universe.'

My anticipation was not wasted. The special F/X were cheesy, the plot was sketchy, and the dialogue ridiculous. Ah but what fun there was in watching guys sporting rubber suits having a heck of a great time.

Real quick, A big monster hatches and terrorizes Tokyo, poeple flee, people die, the freeways are packed. Unlike Godzilla were New Yorkers were p***** off that they couldn't get back into their city and get stomped on, Japaneese folk apparently understand that radioactive creatures are bad news, though these creatures aren't radioactive. No time to explain THIS plot twist but it worked for me. Gamera must save the day! This movie doesn't take itself seriously for one moment, and it paces itself briskly. Industrial Light and Magic did not supply the F/X but Godzilla proves that a big budget does not equal a fun movie. Wanna have fun, check this one out. Wanna be p*****, go rent Godzilla again.
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