Fizzle of the North Star
29 September 1998
Ok... Here's the only way to describe this movie: "auuggghhh". When I saw this movie was on, I almost turned the channel, I didn't want to see the Anime ruined...but then I decided to just sit back and hope for the mediocre. And that's ALMOST what I got.

I have a few problems with this movie:

1. Why are 90% the guys with Japanese names British?

2. Why do the two "Masters" keep using the same moves?

3. Why can't Chris Penn ever play someone who ISN'T Psycho?

4. Why does Malcom Macdowell Always show up in these pictures?

5. I never thought I'd see a movie that had fight scenes that made American Ninja look like a Jackie Chan Flick.

Now, that's not to say that this picture doesn't have it's good points. There ARE actually a few things going for it. First of all, there is a High production value at work here. Every shot seems framed well, and the sets and costumes are extremely well done. Also, the score is quite complimentary (if not seeming ripped off at times). Acid rain. No, really, TRULY acid rain.

Sadly, it's the Acid rain that says it the best. *fizzle*
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