Death of A Cheerleader (1994 TV Movie)
30 December 2000
"A Friend to Die For" is without a doubt one of the best TV movies I have EVER seen. Everything about it is good with the exception of Tori Spelling's performance. The best thing about this film is that it shows how far someone can go just to be accepted.

Not exactly the most unique idea ever thought of but it is played out beautifully. Dating back six years +, which wasn't a significant amount of time or anything, it still shows just how cruel and vicious school girls can be to one another. I don't think that I have seen a movie that tells it like it is ever since I saw "A Friend to Die For." After all, look at the high rate and percentage of teenage killings. It has died down a little but still very high none the less. This movie is proof that you can take a topic so simple and turn it into a riveting film that DOES teach a lesson.

The characters sketched out are wonderful. Here you have a typical teenage girl with a typical teenage problem. She's quiet and for the most part everything seems to be normal about her. Looks can be deceiving. Although she doesn't seem like the rowdy kind of person, she is literally dying to be accepted by the girls she watches and admires everyday at her own high school. A glimpse at her family and lifestyle shows us that she is just as ordinary as you and me. Jamie, her distant friend is simple. We understand that there is somebody just like Angela. As well as Jill. The stereotypical picture of the in-crowd is drawn very well. We know them. There's one of them in every school and in one way or another most people would like to be part of that crowd. Kellie Martin is extraordinary. (When isn't she?) Her portrayal of an evolving disturbed teen is shown as good as if it were from an actual young 'challenged' teen. Her performance lets the audience, or at least me, feel sorry for her. The second main character is none other than the awful actress herself, Tori Spelling. Stacy Lockwood, played by Spelling, is the super popular, stuck-up rich girl who has everything. (Except for the continuance of her life.) Lockwood's rude and crude personality drives her classmate to the limit. The different remarks made towards Stacy's somewhat of a rival, are terrible. Good, because it made me just want to haul off and smack that b**** across the face. Sorry for the vulgar language. Anyway, Martin, Marley Shelton, Valerie Harper, and everyone else does a terrific job. However, Spelling continues to disappoint me with her lack of talent and ability to capture the picture of a real actress. Bravo everyone!

The movie plays on and the viewers realize that Delvecchio will be put in her place for her actions. The ending vanishes kind of quick but quick enough to where it doesn't add unnecessary information about the characters and situation. By far, one of the best concepts and plots that could be brought to television. This film is a must see for anyone who may be suffering like Angela. Or maybe is the kind of person who acts and thinks like Stacy. Which ever character you may relate with, remember this: don't ever think that you're better than anyone else because you never know what your taste of medicine will be like.
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