Double Dragon (1994)
Were you expecting this film to take itself seriously?!
7 March 2001
I really don't see what everyone's problem with this picture is! I believe that if any film bases itself on a computer game, then it stands to reason that is not going to take itself seriously for a split second! I played some of the DOUBLE DRAGON games for Nintendo when I was younger and they were pretty jokey themselves. This little picture has great fights, great action and most importantly of all, a great sense of humour. Robert Patrick camps it up wonderfully as bad guy Koga Shuko. A young Mark Dacascos (DRIVE, THE CROW: STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN, CRYING FREEMAN) kicks less butt than usual but is still enjoyable. Alyssa Milano is great as the sardonic revolutionary Marion, and both Dacascos and Scott Wolf as the Lee brothers (Dacascos is 'Home Lee' and Wolf is 'Ug Lee', geddit?) both have a fine line in sarcastic remarks. The car chase near the start with the 'Dragon Wagon' being pursued by Abobo's van is brilliant, especially with the use of computer graphics. Again, a classic example of good, mindless fun!
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