17 October 2002
What is this show about? To put it simply: the adventures of the two brothers named Pete and Pete. To be more specific: everything.

"The Adventures of Pete and Pete" was amazing. It revovls around the life and ongoings of the two redhaired brothers Pete and Pete. The show's overall theme was about routines, rules, observations and just the small things in everyday life, and the brothers (especially the youngest Pete; since the older Pete was the narrator) quest to understand - or break out of - these things. Like the time when younger Pete and his friends decide to stay up 12 nights in a row, because they feel it is unfair that adults are allowed to stay up longer than kids.

The two brothers are portrayed by Michael C. Maronna (older Pete) and Danny Tamberelli (younger Pete) and they both add depth and personality to their characters. Other main characters such as Pete and Pete's parents and the closest of the two brother's friends are also played skillfully, but especially Toby Huss does a remarkable job as Artie (The World's Strongest Man), and he manages to portray this absolutely absurd character in a way so that you can relate to him. It's also a fun idea to use Adam West, Iggy Pop, Michael Stipe, Kate Pierson and other various famous (or retro-famous) personalities, in small roles. Kudos also goes for the selection of music used in the series. From the catchy title song ("Hey Sandy), to the more mellow background songs (like "She Is Staggering" and "Everywhere"). The music blends in perfectly, and the show wouldn't be quite the same without it. Most of it (including the songs mentioned) was done by a band called Polaris, but others like Semi-Gloss, Drop Nineteens and Steve Merritt also contributed songs.

The show can generally be called surreal, or just plain weird, as the other kids in my class used to call it when it aired here in Denmark. Granted, it is weird, but that was just one of its many qualities. What many - apparently - failed to realize was that all the weird things had a metaphorical meaning and served an overall purpose or point. Even when the point was, that there was no point.

This is in my opinion one of the greatest kids/young adult shows ever made. It shares the #1 spot with Eerie Indiana, which just like this show, had something unique to offer. The mood, the aura...the feeling(s) I got when I watched this show. I will never forget them. And on an autumn day, with the crisp, semi-frosted air, the crystal blue sky and the lush colours and nuances of the fallen leaves; I often find myself thinking back to that show.

I urge you to check this show out if you happen to stumble upon it one day, even if you have "grown up". And for all of those who like myself watched it as a kid...watch it again! You'll be amazed, trust me.
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