Without a doubt, the worst movie I've ever seen!
19 September 1999
Getting my eyes gouged out with a hot poker. Open-heart surgery without anesthetic. Becoming a quadruple-amputee. What do these things have in common? They're all things I'd rather do or have done to me than watch "Revenge of the Nerds 3" again. This movie is without a doubt the most god-awful piece of crap ever released! What were any of the people involved thinking? The acting writing, direction and situations were among the most pathetic I've ever seen on TV or anywhere else. "Revenge of the Nerds 3" is what's wrong with the world today. The writer and director fully deserve to be shot. DON'T SEE IT!!!!!! If one of your friends ever wants to watch it, kill them, then kill yourself for being friends with anyone who would even consider watching this. As for me, I wasn't lucky enough to have people like me to warn them against this travesty. But you still have a chance. Stay away from this one, or may God have mercy on your soul.
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