Lorenzo's Oil (1992)
Turning misfortune into miracles; turning tragedy into triumph
1 March 2004
This is the true story of Lorenzo Michael Murphy Odone, who, at the age of seven, suffered from a rare, incurable brain disease called ALD. The doctors said there was nothing they could do and that he would die within 24 months of diagnosis. Lorenzo's parents, Augusto Odone (Nick Nolte) and Michaela Odone (Susan Sarandon) decided to gather all the information they could find on their own. Day by day, night by night, from laymen to dedicated researchers, they discovered an awful lot more about the disorder than doctors and scientists. As Lorenzo's condition deteriorated, they never ceased to soldier on. Eventually, Augusto Odone solved the mystery and invented a prescription- a special form of olive oil which could help boys (the disease is passed on by the mothers to their sons, not their daughters) with ALD. Because of his contribution, Odone received an honorary medical degree. And at the age of fourteen, Lorenzo could make some movements and began trying to communicate with the outside world with a computer...

I wept several times when watching this film. Notwithstanding all the odds, the Odones struggled and conquered their misfortune, and their achievement was outstanding. This is an intense drama with fine acting and something to think about deeply.
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