how could anytihng about kate the great not be fascinating?
28 August 1999
People love Katharine Hepburn, she is an icon of a century of Women. Sweet, entertaining, silly, happy, sad, uncooth, sultry, cool, aloof, enduring, abrupt and amazing, only a few words that could be used to describe her or the charachters she portrays.

For so many years she has shyed away from attention, from the public, so why now break that silence? At eighty-five years Miss Hepburn is still, a "show-off" and wants to show off her work once again. She tells us the story of her life, her family, her films, her loves and her hates. She really is an extraordinary woman, and this film proves that, again.

When you see it you feel a great deal of warmth towards this woman, and you begin to know her, although you come away with the sensation that you don't really know her at all. I for one am very interested in this lady, her life enthralls me, her films entertain me and her personality bewitches me. She is the greatest actress that has ever appeared on film. I, like many would give anything to meet this woman, and although it is unlikely that I will ever have that pleasure I am happy to say this film, put me one step nearer, it elaborates on half stories you may have heard and when she tells you something you believe her.
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