This movie will help you heal.
11 July 2004
This is a poignant movie done with the usual excellence that Barbra Streisand is known for, both in subject matter and acting ability. Nick Nolte manages to convey both the recipient and the facilitator of the healing process with depth and believability. Their chemistry is challenging and enjoyable to watch. Some of the scenes that depict early memories may be dangerous trigger points for people who are still in the healing process, but they are handled with care and a gentle touch. This movie will help you believe that healing can become a reality in your life, if only you are willing to do the work. It helps those that are in pain reach for that place where peace exists. I would recommend this movie to anyone that is in the healing process, as well as to anyone who simply enjoys a well-constructed drama with plenty of humor thrown in for good measure. This movie will make you think, and it will help you heal. An excellent movie - one that I now own in my movie library. See this movie!
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