Review of UHF

UHF (1989)
Better than Titanic
4 February 1999
Basically, this film just kicks serious butt.

This movie is the sad depressing story of a pathetic coyote who spends every waking moment of his life in the futile pursuit of a sadistic road-runner who MOCKS him and LAUGHS at him as he's repeatedly CRUSHED and MAIMED! Hope you en-JOY IT!!!!

It's why, every time I have some mashed potato, I now carve it into a Close Encounters style hill and murmur "This means something". It's why me and my brother play the "I'm thinking about something orange.... it's an orange!" game. It's why I can't watch Seinfeld because Michael Richards will never be as good as he was in this film.

Good God, I just love it.
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