Great cast can't save the unpleasant and grating plot.
28 March 2004
I did see this when it was first out and I didn't like it then and I don't like it now. I can appreciate the feelings of the many who do like this but my feeling is one has to be a MAJOR fan of black humer in the form of "war of the roses" to really appreciate this. As I am not a major fan of that humor(although there ARE a few exceptions) I found this almost offensive.

The characters were unlikeable, the story wasn't just twisted(sometimes twisted can be fun) but irritating as well. And it was one of those movies that had me scratching my head, trying to figure out-what's funny about this?

This would not make it on my top three worst movies ever but maybe on my top 10 worst ever. It has a relatively low ranking on here but some really positive reviews as well so it seems kind of "love it or hate it". I hated war of the roses to, probably more then this so maybe the humor is just not my type. I would give this a 2 out of 10. But fans of the dark DARK comedy will probably love it.
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