Review of Suspect

Suspect (1987)
Preposterous plot and mismatched actors
11 January 2003
I'm surprised that the comments on this title are generally favourable. I went to see the film when it was originally on release, just because Liam Neeson is in it. I think it was his first Hollywood film, but he'd done some excellent TV work in the UK before that. Though his character is the suspect of the title, he has a disappointingly small role.

I found the film completely risible, for two reasons. First, there's Cher. I can't think of another actor who's so irritating to watch. She seems completely out of place beside the likes of Neeson and Dennis Quaid. Second, and more importantly, the plot is preposterous. Cher's character, a defence lawyer, cooperates with Quaid's, a juror, to investigate the case she's trying. Reputable lawyers do not communicate with individual jurors outside the courtroom. Ever. Even a disreputable lawyer would do so for one of only two reasons: bribery or intimidation. The courtroom unmasking of the real killer was way over the top and added to the impression that the whole affair was not to be taken seriously.
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