Fun sequel, ignore the crabby reviews
17 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers

I don't understand why horror fans continue to give "House II" such a bad rap. Yes, it has nothing to do with the storyline of the original, but I think it would be hard to make a sequel to such a self-contained movie. With that in mind, the filmmakers were wise to take on an entirely new storyline with a fresh batch of characters and odd creatures. If you're willing to accept it as a stand-alone film, then it's certainly worth renting at least once. The film is just as amusing and entertaining as the Steve Miner original, and does not deserve all the negative comments given to it over the years (remember the scathing reference in "Scream 2?"). Like its predecessor, it's not really a straight horror movie, but more of a comic fantasy, as the hero deals with a crystal skull, Aztecs, a baby pterodactyl, and dead gunslingers. It's slick and fast-paced, with no pretensions as to its real nature; just a goofy campfest.

The strongest aspect of the film is a genuinely touching performance from the late Royal Dano, as the protagonist's resurrected ancestor. When we first see him, it appears as if he is going to be the villain of the film, but it turns out that he is just a harmless undead guy. The character generates sympathy as he realizes that his youth is long gone, never to return despite his most fervent wishes. This is a deliberate reversal of the traditional use of the undead as a destructive force in movies; this time we actually see one on the "good side." The most amusing bit of casting is a pre-"Politically Incorrect" Bill Maher as a sardonic record exec; I was sure surprised to see him listed in the opening credits. Also of note is "Plan 9 From Outer Space's" Gregory Walcott in a small role as the sheriff towards the end.

Note that this is a PG-13 film, as opposed to the original's very mild R-rating. Unlike most eighties horror, "House II" actually has a happy ending, as the hero rides off into the sunset with his woman and friends. It's good, clean, silly fun. It may not be the most coherent, logical film in the world--indeed, it's all over the place and threatens to become a bit too much--but it's more entertaining than the reviews would have you expect. The special effects are decent for its time and budget. I wish I had seen this movie when I was ten; I'm sure I would have really enjoyed it.

**1/2 (out of ****)

Released by New World Pictures
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