quick reviews!
26 May 2004
Here we go…I don't care what anyone says, this is funny. Yes the series gets worse with each film, but any of the first 4 are better than any American Pie, or any teen comedy ever. The characters have already been established, with the main additions being Bobcat Goldthwaite as Zed, who is endlessly funny, and Mauser as the rival Cmndt. Plot? There are two Police Academies; one must close so a series of competitions are set up to see which is better. Mauser recruits Copeland and Banks from Lassard's school as traitors, but Mahoney and crew eventually prove the better. But these movies are not about plot. Some would say they're not about comedy, or anything else, but as a kid, nothing made me laugh more than these films. And they still do. Jones makes loads of noises, Tackleberry watches his in laws punch each other, Mahoney makes his usual comments, but Zed and Procter are my favourites here. The Blue Oyster Bar is back, and other scenes that keep me laughing are the arrival of Sweetchuck to the Academy, crashing into the car, and Zed singing to make a door fall. I see why people find these completely irritating, but I'm pis*ing myself thinking about them. While I was reading some of the (mostly negative) reviews of this, where people were slagging off the parts they didn't find funny, I was in stitches. May say something about me-but that's something I'm not ashamed of.

8 out of 10
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