Moralistic 80's Drama
9 June 2002
In most of his films and TV shows Mr T-to his credit-has always been a good role model to youngsters. He has mostly played moralistic characters who try to encourage people to develop qualities such as loyalty, friendship, thoughtfulness and humility. The Toughest Man in the World is one of those films.

Throughout the movie Mr T as Bruise Brubaker shows a young kid the error of his ways and how to do the right thing. Of course, there's plenty of action throughout. The young kid strays from the path of good on quite a few occasions but Bruise Brubaker never gives up and is always there to pick up the pieces.

It's a shame they don't make movies like this any more. This is a movie that conveys a moralistic message but at the same time provides plenty of action and entertainment.

Well done Mr. T.
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