I Can Certainly Relate To This .......
10 April 2003
......... But before everyone phones the police to have me locked up in an asylum let me please explain that I had the " Neighbours from hell " living below me for over three years . Music would be turned on FULL BLAST below my bedroom at any time of the day or night . The music might get turned on at three in the morning and turned off at midday , it might get turned on at midday and turned off at three in the morning , I would never know when the music was going to get turned on when it wasn`t being played and conversely when it was being played - And let me repeat it was FULL BLAST - I`d never know when it was going to be turned off . My life was a waking nightmare , a living hell . My landlords said " Oh nothing we can do , you`d better call the police " which is a euphemism for " We`re not going to do anything because we`re money grabbing parasites who are only interested in the rent - and don`t forget to pay yours before the end of the month Mr Robertson " . I phoned the police but seeing as the neighbours turned their music off everytime they saw the police van driving up the road this was a waste of time - Not that the police seemed all that bothered about my trauma . And it was a trauma , so any film that deals with a man who has to put up with speed addicted freaks playing the theme to PETER GUNN at two O`clock in the morning is my type of movie . The only real difference between the character seen here and me is that I didn`t kill anyone , I do confess I certainly wanted to but didn`t . Oh and in this film the freaks making their neighbour`s life a misery seem to take far less drugs than the ones who lived below me .

There`s actually a very good story trying to get out of this movie , but DRILLER KILLER is heavily weighed back by the technical aspects . The acting , despite not being the worst I`ve ever seen isn`t all that good while aspects like cinematography and sound are very very poor indeed . To tell the truth it`s an almost unwatchable movie , not due to the graphic violence but due to the very poor production values

But DRILLER KILLER isn`t a total flop . It feels more like guerilla film making than a video nasty , and it`s certainly better than garbage like I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE and NIGHT OF THE DEMON . And I can`t help feeling if it`d had a slightly more polished feel and a higher budget it`d be compared to the early works of Martin Scorsese
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