The Wiz (1978)
Underrated Movie.
23 October 2003
Wow.. The reason why this movie is defended is because its overlooked for its value.

#1. It is not a remake of the Wizard Of Oz.The Wizard Of Oz's music is a Classic, so is the Wiz.

#2. The Wiz does try to teach values:

After seeing the movie on a basis i've noticed that it tries to teach:

-Family Togetherness(First Scene of the Movie) -People shouldn't put other people down, otherwise they'll never get __anywhere(When dorothy rescues the crow) -You can always have a heart(Tin Man) [the Wizard of Oz's tin man __relates to the Industry of the Great Depression that needs to grow a __heart] -There's no true courage unless you can stand up for yourself(Lion) -Anything related to Eviline is simple Opression.

There's other symbols as well: Silver slippers instead of ruby. (Silver is rare, very rare for Dorothy's family)

#3. The musician casting for this movie is all Top Notch Motown. Diana Ross, Michael Jackson... every actor was a singer/dancer. You can't beat that in a movie attempting a Broadway approach.

#4. If you just listen to the music instead of hearing it, you would notice the score isn't simple. I have the feeling Quincy Jones has his involvement in it. Also there are way more instruments, more of a get you off your feet feel. "He's the Wiz" from the smooth jazz feel with conflicting and resolving chorus and the switch to march theme. You cannot tell me that is not thoroughly composed! Then the Emerald City Scene, i would rewind that over and over again.

#5. Eviline IMO is a much better bad guy than the Wicked Witch of the West in Wizard Of Oz. She is ugly and mean: someone really hit her with an ugly stick.

#6. "Oh no, not the flying monkeys!"

#7. The crows are breakdancers(at least one of them) from another infamous movie.

-#1. I do know the plots are similar and the characters are similar. However, Motown has a big involvement: the 100% creativity comes from the music and choreography.

-#2. Some people miss the black family jokes. Example the Lion's full name being the name of an actual Mobile Home/Car house except Devile("FleetWood Coupe Devile, Mama had high ideas") she wished to live a luxurious life but can only do so by naming her children by what she desires. You see this in a few children's names. The good thing is there are very few jokes and they are not corny.

-#3. Yes the guy with the puppets did scare me, not to forget tin man being electrocuted and the chomping trashcans.

If you try to look as this movie as a parody(or remake) of the Wizard of Oz you have the wrong idea. When i first saw this movie I try not to think of the Classical Oz - its more of watching a live musical performance. It's michael jackson in his earlier days! His Prime! Not to forget he didn't do a bad job as being the crow! Why do everyone dispise this movie?
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