Tough to watch, but worth it
21 April 1999
Wow, this movie is quite a piece of work. Viewers get an incredible sense of the world and the lifestyle of the characters: their workplace, their bar, their hunting trip, their small town, their wedding celebrations. I was impressed that the movie took the time to establish such a feeling -- at times the first hour is boring, but it helps deepen the eventual impact of the film. The russian roulette scene is, of course, one of the most gripping I've ever seen, Robert De Niro is at his best. Actually he's at his best throughout this movie -- after returning from the war, his quiet, subtle, understated performance is just perfect. At many points this film is difficult to watch -- in fact, I doubt I've seen a film containing so many awkward moments. But life is awkward, and "The Deer Hunter" feels like real life. And I love the version of "God Bless America" at the end.
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