Hitch-Hike (1977)
with David Hess in the backseat, this is bound to be fun...
7 July 2003
I agree with the other reviewers who lament David Hess's minor film career--his three key roles (Last House, House on the Edge, and Hitch Hike) showed amazing sleaze potential (he could've been the wisecracking villain in summer action movies if his time had come 20 years later). "Hitch Hike" can be called a precursor to the action films that litter multiplexes now, but it is also much more. It's an uncommon little B movie with the gloss and name actors (Franco Nero, Corrine Clery) of an A picture, along with a surprising moral slant, gay stickup men, and twists galore. Like most Italian exploitation films, "Hitch Hike" sometimes bogs down in a bit too much excess talk, but it helps flesh out the characters--they're not mere victims or heroes, but people, too. And for fans of Hess, this is a no-brainer. (A word of advice--seek out the Anchor Bay DVD, which is remastered and preserves the film's 1.85:1 aspect ratio.)

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