a pan on the Midnight Man
22 February 1999
After seeing Burt Lancaster in films like THE SWIMMER and SORRY WRONG NUMBER, he is certainly a let down in THE MIDNIGHT MAN. So is the movie. It's two and a half hours long and is a who-dun-it that leaves this viewer thinking, "I don't care who- dun-it. Burt looks tired, as though he'd rather be doing anything but working on this picture. At no point does he manage even a spark of that old vibrant Lancaster attitude. The plot is confusing at best. Burt is a security guard on a college campus where a series of murders take place. He also manages to get a woman 30 years his junior to fall for him. The kissing scenes would make Woody Allen cringe. And the fight scene where Burt beats up two young guys is laughable. Later in his career Burt is cast in some parts that fit the dignity of an older man. He makes a poor imitation of Harry Callahan in this one.

This film's only value is as a time capsule for 1974. It has the flavor and atmosphere of a 2 1/2 hour episode of Hawaii Five-O, except not as exiting. Avoid this one my friends. Humpty
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